The Cathedral in Santiago is issuing a new certificate - a Certificate of Visit seen below (sorry for poor image quality but I took a picture of the copy displayed in the Cathedral which was high up and behind a sheet of glass).
It does though loook very like the Compsotela (shown on left below)
it might have been better to produce a more obviously different certificate - what do you think?
This translates (according to Google) as: The council of the Holy Apostolic Metropolitan Church Cathedral Basilica of Santiago de Compostela, located in the western region of Spain, all who shall see this letter of welcome, makes it known that D / a (proper name of the person requesting) has visited the Cathedral and the tomb of Glorious Apostle Santiago. On that occasion, the council, led the duty of charity while with joy, give the greeting of the Lord, through the intercession of the Apostle asked the Father to deign to grant spiritual wealth and material goods. Santiago bless him and be blessed. Given in Compostela, the Camino de Santiago Meta (date of the visit).
The certificate costs 3Euros and can be gained from the headquarters of the Confraternity of St. James, at the praza da Quintana, by the Holy Door (see below map).
The certificate looks very like the Compostela itself and I am guessing has been produced for those who can onloy make the Pilgrimage to Santiago by car or bus due to physical condition or time and for that I am plaesed - those who cannot do the Camino but still travel to Santiago in the spirit of a Pilgrimage should be able to get something I think.It does though loook very like the Compsotela (shown on left below)
it might have been better to produce a more obviously different certificate - what do you think?
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