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Showing posts from March, 2015

Camino craft - Easter Bunnies

Every Easter that we go on Camino I try and find a small gift (by which I really mean light) that I can carry with me and give to my family on Easter. This year I found something really cute back in February that I had to learn to knit in order to make (so this is a very simple make) - b unnies

Badge found - update

My 'Don't STOP walking' badge has come back home to me! I still find it amazing that a ramdom search of imaged could have brought it up and that Andrew wss able to return it to me - many thanks to him for his generosity in foing so

This Year's Camino

I'm not many days away from setting off on this year's Camino and it's going to be a bit unusual. Me and Becky are walking from Astorga which we have done twice before however,  once we get to tricastella we are meeting up with Mum and Dad.

'Slackpacking' - is it really a Pilgrimage?

Anyone who has walked the Camino will have seen people walking with daypacks probably setting off quite late compared to the Pilgrims who stay in albergues who must set off by about eight. Maybe they walk in a big group or maybe there are just a few of them but if you are a Pilgrim who is walking with seven or eight kilograms on their back then you have probably, as I have, been struck by some feeling of superiority and feeling that you are the true Pilgrim whereas they are not but is that true? Is someone who ‘slackpacks’ not really a Pilgrim? Image taken from,d.ZGU&psig=AFQjCNH8cdQRBMiglmW_4HDVVTjnVDId0g&ust=1427286686158658

Chinese Proverb

'One step at a time is good walking.' - Chinese proverb


Two years ago today me and Becky arrived in Roncenvalles after a hike through snow on the lower route through the Pyranees, it was the first day on an amazing journey which I was so lucky to share with my fantastic sister! Here's hoping that we are back there again soon. (And for anyone wondering today in Roncenvalles it is 11 degrees C, much warmer than when we were there!)

Out for a walk - or can't I just go on Camino now!

If you've been on Camino then you've felt it - in a difficult time you recall the times on the Way, the people who you met and the ease of doing nothing but walking (yes, there were blisters and other troubles but at times like these we don't remember them do we?) and you want nothinmg more than to be back on the Camino.

Happy Saint Patrick's Day

M ay the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand. A traditional Gaelic blessing

'Don't STOP Walking' badge found!!

When I walked the Pilgrim's Way from Winchester to Dover in the summer of 2014 I wore my 'Don't Stop Walking' badge that I made for when me, Dad and Becky walked the Camino Portuguese in Easter that year and my badge dropped off my bag never to be seen I thought until today when I was unoccupied at work and looking at Camino pictures and found that someone had found it (boy is that a long sentence but I am rather excited right now!) Taken from I have put a comment on the page asking if they picked up the badge and if so offering a new one for its return - I doubt that they did pick it up but then again I never thought that I would see the badge again so you never know! If I hear anything then I will keep you posted. The post I wrote about the badges originally can be found at

An awesome Camino gift - a Camino buff

My sister Becky went to Chester for a few days and, as you do when you are planning your next Camino, went in all of the outdoor shops and found something awesome .....

Pilgrims to Rome Practical Pilgrim Day on Saturday

The Confraternity of Pilgrims to Rome are having a practical Pilgrim day on Saturday - I attended last year and it was very helpful and everyone was friendly and kind. If you do plan on going then you could email the Secretary on the address shown or go to the Confraternity's site and follow the link ( I've included the programe and instructions on how to get to the Church of Saint James below:

Saint David

Yesterday  Saint David's Day so I found out a little bit about him. Saint David was a Welsh bishop of Menevia during the 6th century and he is the patron saint of Wales. His date of birth is unknown but reports suggest that he lived for over 100 years and died on a Tuesday 1 March (which is now the date of Saint David's Day) and it has been suggested that this was 589. He was buried at Saint David’s Cathedral in Pembrokeshire and his shrine here was a popular place of pilgrimage throughout the Mediaeval period and he was canonized by Pope Callixtus II in 1120.

Holy Week in Santiago

For anyone lucky enough to be in Santiago from the 27th of March to the 12th of April here's a link to a site with information on what's going on during Holy Week Information on the processions is on

Happy Saint David's Day!

Image taken from